The Bad Beat Jackpot is for all contributing Texas Hold ‘em Poker Games.
1. $1-$2 will be taken out of participating Texas Hold ‘em games when the pot reaches 10 times the small blind, at least four players are dealt in, and there is a flop, and paid towards a promotional fund (“Promotional Player Fund”) Example a $1-$2 game would need $10 in the pot for the bad beat jackpot to qualify. If $20 or more is in the pot, $2 will be taken out for promos and bad beat.
2. Participating games include any Texas Hold ‘em game, Limit or No Limit, that is not a part of a Mix game, bomb pot or specialty called dealers choice game. In Short “Texas Hold Em” only.
3. To qualify for the Bad Beat Jackpot, a player must lose with the posted hand, or a higher hand. Both the Bad Beat Winning hand and the Bad Beat Losing hand must use both cards in their hands. If one or both of the hands are four of a kind, it must include a pair in the hand.
4. The criteria to win the Bad Beat Jackpot will begin at four Aces (A-A-A-A) beaten by a higher hand. This winning criteria will lower At 12PM each time the Bad Beat Jackpot has increased by $2,000 until such time the Bad Beat Jackpot is hit. The criteria will be lowered to four Kings, four Queens, four Jacks, etc. every $2,000 increase in the posted amount. There is no floor on how low it can go.
5. The winning criteria will continue to lower as described above until such time the Bad BeatJackpot is hit. A minimum of four players must be dealt in at the beginning of the hand in order to qualify for any portion of the Bad Beat Jackpot. There must be at least $10 in the pot in order to qualify for the Bad Beat Jackpot, and the hand must play to completion. Any discussion of the Bad Beat Jackpot during the playing of the hand may void payment of the Bad Beat Jackpot. Management reserves the right to verify eligibility of all jackpots.
The Updated Bad Beat Jackpot will be distributed as follows:
a. The Player with the Bad Beat Losing hand will receive 50% of the Bad Beat Jackpot.
b. The Player with the Bad Beat Winning hand will receive 30% of the Bad Beat Jackpot.
c. The remaining 20% of the Bad Beat Jackpot will be divided equally amongst all otherqualifying players dealt in at the same cash
game table (“Player’s Share”). A qualifying player is an active player in the game who has nomissed blind buttons. The Players will be identified and provided a Bad Beat Card indicating they have qualified for a portion of the Player’s Share. There is NO room share of the Bad BeatJackpot.
6.The Promotional Player Fund money will be distributed as follows:
a. 100% to a promotional pool, to be 100% given back to players. This could be free hours, free merch, and other player promotions.
When a Bad Beat Jackpot is hit, a Supervisor will announce to the room that the Bad BeatJackpot is pending review. If another Bad Beat Jackpot is hit, while the first Bad Beat Jackpotis pending review, that hand will be placed on hold. If the initial Bad Beat Jackpot is verified asa winner, any further Bad Beat Jackpot hands that were hit during the verification process willbe considered null and void. If the initial Bad Beat Jackpot hand is not declared a winning BadBeat Jackpot, the next hand, in order, that was hit during the verification process will undergothe same review, and the same process will take place until a winning Bad Beat Jackpot handis verified.
7.The Updated Bad Beat Jackpot started at a posted amount of $5,000. Daily, the UpdatedBad Beat Jackpot will increase by $2,000 every time $2,000 or more is collected and added to it. the posted Bad Beat Jackpot will increase by this amount until the Bad Beat Jackpot is won.Once a Bad Beat Jackpot is verified, an announcement will be made. 8. In order to collect any Bad Beat Jackpot payout, a proper ID will be required. Players are required to keep the Bad Beat Jackpot payout card on the table until the prize voucher process has been completed. Removing the payout card from the Poker Room may result in a player’s forfeiture of the Bad Beat Jackpot payout. Patrons who have won any portion of the Bad BeatJackpot will have seven (7) days to claim their portion of the Bad Beat Jackpot at the
Poker Room Cage. Failure to do so will result in a loss of any portion of the Bad Beat Jackpot.Any Bad Beat Jackpot monies forfeited based on above will be returned to the PromotionalPool. Winner is responsible for paying any and all taxes and fees in connection with claimingthe Bad Beat Jackpot amount. All Bad Beat Jackpot payouts will be made in Ace High SocialClub chips. Bad Beat Jackpot monies are non-transferable. The Bad Beat Jackpot is subject tovideo review before paying out the bad beat jackpot.